This page contains educational resources that are related to the area of Safety and Quality.
These PubMed live searches provide updated results for 11 topics aligned to the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. They have been developed, tested and endorsed as part of the HeLiNS (Health Libraries for the National Standards) Research Project, a joint initiative of HLA and HLI (Health Libraries Inc).
The searches:
Additional information about the searches and advanced options/tips can be accessed here:
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Note: Resources located in Learn@ANZCA require that you first register before accessing.
Stop Before You Block (SB4YB) is an initiative that started at Nottingham University Hospital in 2010 following a series of inadvertent wrong-sided nerve blocks. Below are some resources for anaesthesia departments to use in in the operating theatre and for educational purposes, and to help individual anaesthetists to take part in the “Stop before you block” campaign, supported by ANZCA.
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