This page contains educational resources that are related to the area of Safety and Quality.
These PubMed live searches provide updated results for 11 topics aligned to the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. They have been developed, tested and endorsed as part of the HeLiNS (Health Libraries for the National Standards) Research Project, a joint initiative of HLA and HLI (Health Libraries Inc).
The searches:
Additional information about the searches and advanced options/tips can be accessed here:
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has a Resource library, which can be filtered by resource type and year of publication.
Patientsafe has been created, composed primarily of frontline healthcare staff who understand and have an interest in patient safety. Their mission is to identify patient safety hazards and implement the most effective sustainable solutions. They do this through the use of human factors engineering and involving interested parties.
Patientsafe communicate closely with experts from human factors, marketing, and senior bodies in healthcare. Feedback is encouraged from interested health professionals. Patientsafe has no financial interest with any of the products on this website.
For more information visit, subscribe to their updates, and/or follow them on Twitter@patientsafe3
Stop Before You Block (SB4YB) is an initiative that started at Nottingham University Hospital in 2010 following a series of inadvertent wrong-sided nerve blocks. Below are some resources for anaesthesia departments to use in in the operating theatre and for educational purposes, and to help individual anaesthetists to take part in the “Stop before you block” campaign, supported by ANZCA.
Use the links below to access additional support resources contained on the Learn @ANZCA platform.
Note: Resources located in Learn@ANZCA require that you first register before accessing.
Alerts highlighted by ANZCA
Safety alerts are published in each edition of the monthly ANZCA E-Newsletter and the quarterly ANZCA Bulletin, and information/alerts to keep you up to date are available form the Safety alerts page on the ANZCA website.
Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK)
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK.
Alerts listed on GOV.UK
The websites of all government departments and many other agencies and public bodies have been merged into GOV.UK. Here you can see all policies, announcements, publications, statistics and consultations. The link below is to their safety alerts resource.
Patient safety modules - Multimedia
AccessAnesthesiology gives access to online modules that provide you with an introduction to the core concepts of patient safety in an interactive and self-paced learning environment. Click on the images above, or this link to access these modules.
The college acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and recognises their unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.
The college acknowledges and respects Māori as the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa and is committed to upholding the principles of the Te Tiriti o Waitangi, fostering the college’s relationship with Māori, supporting Māori fellows and trainees, and striving to improve the health of Māori.
The college recognises the special relationship between the Pacific peoples of New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific, and is committed to supporting those fellows and trainees of ANZCA, and improving the health of Pacific peoples.